Friday, 18 February 2011

my rigid attention....

I've realised I have an intense attention division disorder.
I can do only one thing at a time.
Now,this ''at a time'' refers to each particular phases of  my mood.So it can be hours,days,weeks or just minutes.
If I'm reading,I just keep on readin and reading,till I complete the book[or whatever it is am reading] I'm on.But while at it I don't do anythin else.I honestly don't get the time 'cause am so occupied.Its like my mind just works one way.I don't watch t.v,I dont use the internet,I try and avoid as much of the goin'-on-forever phone chats with my friends.I behave pretty possesed-y.
And its the same way with everything else that i like doing.When am doin' one,the other doesn't exist till i get over what am doin'.
My point precisely is that I cannot balance.Its either this OR that.
Like right now I'm blogging and this serial I really like,two and a half men,is on.Now since I had already started writing this before the show started,I just cannot stop writing midway,put down my laptop and watch the serial and then get back to it.If this is where my attention is,I'm incapable of dividing it with the t.v show.

Now,this thing has to go.Apart from when am reading,in every other case, its really annoying to be not be able to balance my attention.
See with my reading habits I'm very partial.That's the only idiosyncracy I have,which I have no intention of dealin' with.The rest,I like to think, really ain't a big deal.I'll overcome sooner or later!
Or atleast I can be in a little more in peace with my mind if I keep tellin' myself that.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

to begin with

me::welcome myself :)
hope u have a amazing blog life!!
myself::hey thanks ! I hope so too :)
me::so how and when did u decide that u want to blog,given the technologically challenged person you are?? happened last night actually..i could'nt sleep and when i can't sleep its mostly because my mind's working overtime..amidst a blur of thoughts,that i won't bore u with right now 'cause u'll have a lot of them in the coming days,i decided i should blog.....well atleast try..its pretty easy to get started i here i am..tantarrrann :]
me::ahh that's interesting ! so now that u're here,how do u propose to overcome ur unfriendly terms with technology in general..???
myself::listen don't keep saying that.we are not at all on unfriendly terms.i just like to think that my survival does not depend on the internet and its kith and kins..
me::[smirkin'] whatever way u wanna put it hon!
myself::[intensely irritated with me's attitude] are we done here ??
me::nooo dear..u just got started remember..?? temme more..did u tell your family and friends about it..what do they think??
myself::i will i will..just told mummy though..she thinks its great but is more occupied with the idea that i will use it as another excuse to not sleep at night[yeah i do that pretty often..till now my "substantial reasons" were the totally unputdownable book or the great movie i just could'nt not watch right now]
me::and ur dad??
myself::baba's sleepin'..and neway with him i'll first have to start explaining with what a "blog" is..
me::[smirkin' annoyingly yet again] father like daughter one would say..
myself::so lets wrap it at that then..i need to go around this place and understand few other stuff..till i see you again good luck with your unnecessary inquisitiveness and... have fun[i added this 'cause am i genuinely nice person u see] !
me::sure babe ! love our little chats you know !
myself:: yeeahp........
me:: :)[its one of those trying to be nice but really, tryin' to impose a superior aura kind of smiles.]